Author Archives: thresholdschool

2nd Annual United Way Lunch

Come to Threshold on Wednesday, October 10th and have a home made chili lunch for a $5 donation to the United Way.  There will also be a bake sale and opportunities to win prizes.…

Posted in Events

1 Week Left to Enroll in Night Course!

The 9-Week General Home Maintenance Course starts a week from today on September 25.  Build basic skills in carpentry, electrical, drywall and plumbing.  Call or email now for additional information.…

Posted in Uncategorized

All thumbs?!? Threshold can help!

Enroll now for our General Home Maintenance course where anyone over the age of 18 can learn how to complete those repairs that get put off.  Fix things before they become a problem!  New session starts September 25.…

Posted in General Home Maintenance

Welcome new participants

The Threshold team would like to welcome the new participants in the Ready to Work program.  Work hard and remember pay attention, pay attention, pay attention!…

Posted in Ready to Work

Congratulations Graduating Class!

On August 17th the school had a celebration for the graduates of the most recent Ready to Work program.  Way to go!  Get out there and pursue your goals.…

Posted in Ready to Work

May 17th Intake off to a great start!

Congratulations to the participants who started the Ready to Work program on Monday, May 17th.  Good luck in the program!…

Posted in Ready to Work

Excellent Waterfront Graduation

Congratulations to the Ready To Work intake that graduated on May 17.  The graduation was held beside the work site so friends and family could see the project that the participants contributed so much to.  Thank you to the Hamilton …

Posted in Ready to Work

Watch Threshold School on TV!

Threshold School was recently showcased on Vital Signs, a Cable 14 program hosted by Terry Cooke of Hamilton Community Foundation .  Go to the 17 minute mark at this link to view the interview –

Posted in Events, Ready to Work, Threshold Construction Program

Gold Award from the United Way

Threshold School was presented with a Gold Award by the United Way for outstanding service to the people of our community.  The award is to acknowledge the school’s fundraising efforts on behalf of the United Way in 2011.…

Posted in Uncategorized

Next intake…May 28, 2012

Interviews have begun for the upcoming Ready to Work intake.  Get your referrals done now!…

Posted in Ready to Work