Author Archives: thresholdschool

Feb. 27, 2012 – Next Intake

The next Ready To Work Skills Link Project intake is on February 27, 2012.  Get your referrals now to be considered for the next program.  Call Threshold for more information.…

Posted in Ready to Work

Nov. 21st – New Ready To Work Skills Link Project

Twelve new Ready to Work participants started yesterday.  Good luck and remember…pay attention, pay attention, pay attention!…

Posted in Ready to Work

United Way Fundraising Target Met

We are happy to announce that the United Way fundraising target set by staff and Ready to Work students was met and even exceeded by a few dollars!  The majority of funds were raised at our All-You-Can-Eat Chili Lunch and …

Posted in Events

Excellent Open House and Graduation!

Fun was had by all at the Threshold Open House and Graduation held October 28th.  Skills Link and United Way participants were happy to accept their certificates and be congratulated by attendees.  Many agencies and local businesses sent representatives including …

Posted in Events, Open House, Ready to Work, Threshold Construction Program

United Way Fundraiser, October 12th at noon

A homemade lunch for a minimum donation of $5!  Fill up on chili, hot dogs and corn-on-the-cob.  For dessert…Bake Sale!…

Posted in Events

New GHM Start Date!

The start date for the General Home Maintenance course is now October 6th!  You still have time to register.  Call the school for more details.…

Posted in General Home Maintenance